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The Election of the Wine Queen (LAOG version)

Autor:in: Gerrit Reininghaus, Silvia Ochlast, Björn Butzen
Sprache: EN
Kategorien: Online
Spielerzahl: 4 bis 6
Spielleitungen: 1
Dauer: 4h
Raum: online
Andere Anforderungen:


Die Wahl der Weinkönigin“ is a German larp by Silvia Ochlast and Björn Butzen.  It’s a short chamber larp
about a wine queen competition in which the players play promising candidates and the jury of such a
traditional rural event. Who will be the next wine queen representing the region for year on national fairs? How will this year’s competition change the village to the better – or the worse?

As a metatechique the larp uses singing: a drinking song can be brought into any scene any time to
violently break the mood.

Players are also supposed to drink wine (or water in replacement) while playing.

This is the digital black box version of this larp. This means it is played with several laog (live action online
game) elements, but don’t assume to be separated through video conference technology in-character as in a typical laog.

Quelle: https://alles-ist-zahl.blogspot.com/2020/03/an-overview-of-existing-laogs-live.html
Download The Election of the Wine Queen (LAOG version)

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