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Autor:in: Rafael Chandler
Sprache: EN
Themen: Thriller, Horror, SciFi
Kategorien: Online und Sammlung
Spielerzahl: 3 bis 5
Spielleitungen: 0
Dauer: 1-1,5h
Raum: Online
Andere Anforderungen:


Four officers (Medical, Bridge, Weapons, and Engineering) find themselves aboard a damaged starship, in great peril. They’re cut off from each other, and can only communicate by using viewscreens throughout the ship.

Will you turn on your shipmates? Will you work with them, even though some of them may be guilty of horrific crimes? What happened to the rest of the crew? How many minutes do you have before it happens to you, too? Can you escape, or will someone find your mangled corpse floating in the void?

Deutsche Spielreferenz

Rechte: (C)
Quelle: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?keywords=viewscream

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