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Autor:in: Kira Magrann
Sprache: EN
Themen: Selfies, emotions, communication, mutual support
Kategorien: Nano und Sammlung
Spielerzahl: 3 bis 5
Spielleitungen: 1
Dauer: 30 min
Andere Anforderungen: A smart phone for each player, a music player, pens, scrap paper for score sheets, and optional nametags.


Selfie is an intimate game about feelings in images.

It is part of the #feminism games anthology.

Looking at the world through a feminist lens reveals absurd, tragic, and fascinating situations.

Written by feminists from eleven different countries, #Feminism offers bite-sized takes on contemporary feminist issues. Each of the 34 nano-games in this collection requires between three and five participants, simple (if any) props, and up to an hour of play time.

Quelle: https://feministnanogames.wordpress.com/
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